Well-functioning air conditioning is one of the most important things when it comes to you and your passenger’s comfort while in your vehicle. One of the first things we touch after we start the vehicle is the climate controls. Thus, when our vehicle’s air conditioner is not working on a sweltering summer day, it can be a big bummer for us and our passengers.
Some of the most common air conditioning issues we see are:
1. Bad Smell
If your vehicle smells terrible after turning on the air conditioner, it means there is likely a problem with the air conditioner. Usually, this is due to an air filter that has not been replaced for a long time or to the accumulation of fungus or mold inside the air conditioner filter or vents.
2. Change In Airflow
If you are experiencing a decrease in the amount of air coming out of your vehicle’s vents, this can mean that there is clog or build-up inside the air conditioner, or the vents, which is blocking optimal airflow.
3. Change In Cooling
If you are having to wait a long time to get cool air, or no cool air at all, there is likely a clog in the air conditioner or a problem with the compressor.
Once you have experienced one or more of these air conditioning issues with your vehicle’s air conditioner, you will need to get it into a reputable automotive repair shop like ours and have a professional do a thorough inspection to determine the cause of the issues, and the solution. Give us a call to schedule an appointment today: 303-730-4137